December 2021 Review

Life, Lists, Reviews

December was packed with Christmas gatherings, activities, travels, Advent reading, and time with people I love. Here’s the gift that December was!

November 2021 Review

Life, Lists, Reviews

November felt like it completely whizzed by, and it held so many fun events that kept my heart feeling full and thankful the whole way through. Here’s my review of my favorite month of the year!

October 2021 Review

Life, Lists, Reviews

The month of October gave me busy weekends and a new weekly routine, time with friends who are near and far away, and a mood shift that took me by surprise. Here’s what my October had for me!

September 2021 Review

Life, Lists, Reviews

September was an extremely full month of festivals, friends, and somehow a lot of time to myself in between that was refreshing and oh so needed. Here’s what filled my time this month!

August 2021 Review

Life, Lists, Reviews

My August was full of squeezing in the last of summer fun, an unexpected and unappreciated cold, and settling into the schedule of new activities. Here’s what kept me going in August!

July 2021 Review

Life, Lists, Reviews

Summer fun continued in full swing during July. My calendar included lots of time with friends and family, and I’m grateful for that. July, you were so good to me!

May 2021 Review

Life, Lists, Reviews

May 2021 was a really full and fun month of all the summer things — baseball, travels, and gatherings with friends. I am so grateful for the people and places that filled my time this month!

March 2021 Review

Life, Lists, Reviews

March 2021 gave me beautiful scenery and time with friends to share it with – just what I needed to feel rejuvenated and ready to keep moving forward! Here’s my review of the month.

February 2021 Review

Life, Lists, Reviews

February 2021 felt like a long and steady exhale. This past month was slow, quiet, and productive in all the places I wanted it to be. Here’s what kept me occupied and afloat in February!